Monday, February 10, 2025
making a difference in our community




The Foundation wishes to acknowledge and thank Mechet Charities for their generous gift in 2013.

Donor Wall  

A unique and special donor wall serves as a popular reminder of the donations made by individuals, families, businesses and organizations over the years. All donations over $100.00 have their name automatically inscribed on the donor wall.

Memory Tree

Donations are collected during the Christmas Season to set up a special tree in the Hospital where a STAR is placed with the name of your loved one. This very popular tree is another reminder for friends and family and serves as a memory to their life and contribution to our community and region. 

Legacy Wall

A Legacy Wall to commemorate major donations to the Foundation was included with the DGHF major refurbishment project to the hospital entrance in 2020 -2021. A gold Maple leaf for a donation of $10,000 or more will be placed on the wall with the name/s of the donator. A silver Oak leaf for a donation of $5000 or more will be placed the the wall with the name/s of the donator. A copper Aspen leaf for a donation of $2500 or more will be placed on the wall with the name/s of the donator.

Other Activities

The Foundation is looking for other fundraising events, activities and opportunities.If you have an idea to share with us, please contact Barb Wallace, Chair of the Devon General Hospital Foundation at

If you would like to become involved as a Donor or Volunteer,we can be contacted by e-mail at:  

Fundraising Events


Open Mon-Fri 10am-4pm

THE TASTE - Thursday May 1, 2025

Thank you to all the businesses and individuals who continue to support the Foundation. This support goes a long way in helping and benefiting those within our community and region who utilize our services.


Your support will make the difference
Copyright 2025 © Devon General Hospital Foundation
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